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Mission Impossible – The assignment submission adventure

I realized that we, moms we are from another planet. Why? I'll tell you why. The truth is because we are, really similar to the Jedis in the Star Wars movie. Not forgetting, the important fact that the Force is always with us. Spiritless! Yes, mostly every day but even so. Parents, we cannot hide from our bloody responsibilities.

Pick up the light swords, and get ready for the battle. I mean, be ready to clean, tidy up your flat, that seems an alien, in a scientific movie, when we cut an arm appears six or seven. That’s what happens when we try to tidy up a house full of toys. The more you clean, it's a useless mission; it will be reborn underneath the sofa anyway. Be also ready, to look after your kids, feed them, don’t forget to change the nappy, play with them a bit, give them some fun.

After that, press the green button on the coffee machine, make that fantastic cappuccino, and be ready to submit your Uni assignment. It Seems like quite a straightforward task. Are you kidding me? As soon as I sit in the chair, I can see baby Joylen underneath the table, smiling at me and stretching his arms up, begging me to hold him.

Joylen, mummy, will give you more cookies. Here you go.

Sweetheart, give me just, 5 minutes.

That’s the moment that he opens his mouth and cries as a river, making me feel, the bad guy. Yeah, he wants to transform mummy in the reincarnation of Lord Vader, himself.

What to do, when you have a deadline? The watch is looking at you and baby is unsettled.

Suddenly, Princess Lauryn decided to remind me of my promise, of making her pancakes with fresh strawberries and Nutella.

I told her not now Lauryn. So the two of them decided to create a crying choir.

I closed my eyes for a minute and started the martial arts process. I put Joylen’s, at my back and tightened him up with a big blanket. Tremendous success! Finally, Joylen was happy and comfortable.

Mission number 2 the pancakes: Lauryn mummy will make you a sandwich.

She said: Mummy you always say that we need to keep our promises. That’s not nice!

Screwed. Let's mix those ingredients together. Where is the damn flour? After 30 minutes.

Off we go. Done.

Breathless, I went to the Macbook and, I submitted my Uni assignment.

Mission Completed.

Meet the Journo mum 

My name is Cristina, also known as Cris. I am a mummy of 2 cute kids, a Journalism student, and also a radio presenter passionate about parent blogging.

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