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Bye Bye size 8 Hello size 12

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fattest of them all? The same old story since my body suffered the experience of giving birth. That’s right, my sculptural and toned body, has undergone an unrecognisable genetic transformation, equivalent to an all inclusive luxury Holiday package, but instead of a resort in Punta Cana, my all inclusive package included: 28kgs of weight gain, the athletic once called stomach, was illustrated by hundreds of stretch marks, and cellulite all over my body. Basically I became, a human being similar to a swollen sea lion.

Oh I nearly forgot to mention the damned Pre- Eclampsia.

That naughty nervous thing was the cherry on the top of the cake. Mummy here had become a shaky bouncy Castle.

I love my children, but honestly I felt completely lost in the middle of the desert when I realised my new body shape. There are really lucky Women, who were born to naturally shine, keeping their amazing look after giving birth.

Some have money to remove some extra fatness, and others have extraordinary genetics that eat twice as much as me and dress size 8.

Obviously that Kim Kardashian, gave her credit card a cardiovascular workout to help her appear miraculous in the magazines after having baby Saint, like a mermaid in the middle of the Ocean.

Jealous ? Bloody hell, of course I am Jealous. It's not a crime to dream of looking Glamorous again. What kind of magical potion are those women are drinking?

I love Eddie Murphy, but I don’t like the idea of becoming the new Rasputia. That was exactly how I felt a couple of days after having my babies. Looking for the bigger sized clothes in my closet to disguise my new appearance. Silly Cristina! Hormones can really mess up our brains. I am telling you!

I was size 8, yeah that was amazing, I could buy, all my clothes in the children's department and I always found awesome promotions. Now when I look at it, it's like looking at the ant and the elephant. Let me check where the 16 to 18 size sales isles.

The good news is, after having my second child I didn’t put on that much, genuinely ONLY 10 kg. Fantastic.

Amen lord, you heard my prayers.

I am breastfeeding but honestly that story that if you breastfed you will loose weight. Like President Trump says. It’s a Fraud. It's just not going to happen. Sadly didn't work with me. Unbelievably I have double of the appetite the second time around eating like a desperate pre historic T-Rex. Believe me.

But the good news is? I have a really active life, running after my two kids, ironically, they are really active. They don’t stop even for a minute. I run everyday to drop them at school, and I run to arrive on time at the Uni.

Having a baby can modify my body, but also my soul. I complain, but when I was size 8 I never experienced this much happiness, that I am feeling now. My children rock my world. I would prefer to be an enormous wale and have them by my side any day rather than toned and without kids.

We are beautiful, just the way we are, if we gain weight its because we got those super powers to raise a life inside of us. Pretty awesome! Right. It’s always good to try to look good, but we are all different. How many women are struggling to be mothers and despite spending fortunes in fertility treatments nothing happens. Be grateful, be yourself, be unique.

I learnt my lesson, and now I am confident about my new body. Goodbye size 8, hello size 12! I am healthy and happy, and next step will be to educate my mouth, and stop eating those amazing muffins, apply to a gym soon. No pain no gain!

Meet the Journo mum 

My name is Cristina, also known as Cris. I am a mummy of 2 cute kids, a Journalism student, and also a radio presenter passionate about parent blogging.

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