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I love food. Nhumy Nhumy  in my tummy 

I can be depressed, or excited that my appetite rarely will disappear. Basically I love to try different types of food. The only thing I bloody hate. A huge, no thank you on my menu, is Shushi.

Arigato my lovely Japonese friends, but hell no. I know that everybody loves it and feels fashion and modern eating some unsalted rice rolled in a piece of pink salmon. I tried but raw fish, is not my thing. Give me a juicy steak, jerk chicken, Chinese, oxtail but Sushi no thank you.



















The Cape Verdean cuisine, has a huge mediterranean influence. We were colonized by the Portuguese so they brought in some new flavors.   One of the famous traditional dishes is the amazing,  Cachupa, which is a stew with a mix of meats, beans, a special corn really similar to chick peas, and lots of vegetables.




Suhi, No Thank you


Coconut cake

Homemade coconut Cake with Condensed milk

Fresh Fruits and Cream Cake

My speciality


God Bless Spain

Spinach and Chicken quiche

My first attempt

Mango Cheesecake

My favorite dessert


This sandwich is something else

Journomum Recipes 

University of West London

St Mary's Rd, London W5 5RF

© 2017 by The Journo Mum blog


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